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Thoughts Archived > By Who's Authority?

25 Aug 2013



August 25, 2013

 By Who's Authority?

Luke 20: 1 - 8



One day as Jesus was teaching and preaching the Good News in the Temple, the leading priests and teachers of religious law and other leaders came up to him.  They demanded, "By whose authority did you drive out the merchants from the Temple?  Who gave you such authority?"

"Let me ask you a question first, " he replied.  "Did John's baptism come from heaven, or was it merely human?"

They talked it over among themselves.  "If we say it was from heaven, he will ask why we didn't believe him.  But if we say it was merely human, the people will stone us, because they are convinced he was a prophet."  Finally they replied, "We don't know."

And Jesus responded, "Then I won't answer your question either."







'By Whose Authority' could be a simple answer.  I could just say by God's authority.  But to give you foundation for future questions, we need to delve a little deeper into the Word of God.  I don't expect this to be a long day, but, it's not up to me....I am under the authority of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  Let's talk....

In Titus 2:15, Paul told Titus he [Titus] had the authority to teach people about salvation, and to encourage the people to live rightly, to correct when necessary.  In fact, Paul, told Titus not to let anyone ignore him or disregard what he had to say.  There are MANY references to authority being given to many to teach and preach the Word of God, the Gospel truths.  Emphatically, I say, it was NOT just the initial 12 who were given the authority to 'go forth'.  Obviously, or the majority of Christian religion wouldn't exist, since most of it is based on the teachings of Paul, given him from God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.  In Joel 2:28-32, and in Acts 2:17-21 it is clear that GOD gave authority:

'In the last days, GOD said, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.  In those days I will pour out my Spirit upon all my servants, men and women alike and they will prophesy.'  Let's stop here a moment to define 'prophesy'.  According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance,   Greek to English, 'prophesy' means 'to speak an inspired message, sometimes encouraging obedience to God, sometimes proclaiming the future as a warning to preparedness and continued obedience.'  My paraphrase, 'preach and teach the Word of God'. 

In Isaiah 40:3, Isaiah prophesied the coming of John the Baptist, who prophesied the coming of the Lord Jesus when he said, "He is a voice shouting in the wilderness: 'Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming!  Make a straight road for him!'"  We find this also in Matthew 3:1-3.  Surely it can be seen that John the Baptist had the authority of God, as he proclaimed the Word of God and prophesied the coming of the Messiah.  See also Mark 1:2-3, Luke 3:4-6, and, see John 1:23 where John the Baptist clearly tells us in verse 33 that 'God sent me to baptize with water'.  So, we know that God gave John the Baptist the authority.

And as Jesus was baptized by John, indicated in Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, also, in John 1:29-34, it is clear that God was in authority anointing Jesus with authority, when he spoke.  Let me refresh your memory, or enlighten you, if this is new to you.  From John 1:19-34 we read: 

'This was testimony of John when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Temple assistants from Jerusalem to ask John whether he claimed to be the Messiah.  He flatly denied it.  "I am not the Messiah," he said.

"Well then, who are you?" they asked.  "Are you Elijah?"  "No," he replied.  "Are you the Prophet?"  "No."

"Then who are you?  Tell us, so we can give an answer to those who sent us.  What do you have to say about yourself?"

John replied in the words of Isaiah:  "I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, 'Prepare a straight pathway for the Lord's coming!'"

Then those who were sent by the Pharisees asked him, "If you aren't the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet, what right do you have to baptize?"

John told them, "I baptize with water, but right here in the crowd is someone you do not know, who will soon begin his ministry.  I am not even worthy to be his slave."  This incident took place at Bethany, a village east of the Jordan River, where John was baptizing.

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!  He is the one I was talking about when I said, 'Soon a man is coming who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before I did.'  I didn't now he was the one, but I have been baptizing with water in order to point him out to Israel."

Then John said, "I saw the Holy Spirit descending upon him.  I didn't know he was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, he [GOD] told me, 'When you see the Holy Spirit descending  and resting upon someone, he is the one you are looking for.  He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.'  I saw this happen to Jesus, so I testify he is the Son of God." 

In Matthew 3:16 it reads 'After his [Jesus'] baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he [John the Baptist] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him [Jesus].  And a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with him."   Authority from God!

In Hebrews 5:5, we learn Jesus Christ was 'chosen by God', who said to him, "You are my Son.  Today I have become your Father."  That's pretty authoritative.  But we are God's children, too, if we believe in him, accept Jesus as our Savior, and make him Lord of our life! 

Just as John the Baptist and Jesus were given authority, we, too, have been given authority.  In Luke 24:47, speaking to Apostles and other followers of his, Jesus said, "With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem:  'There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.'  You are witnesses of all these things."  Then he told them he would send them the Holy Spirit just as his Father [God] promised.  'All who have been called  by the Lord our God' 'will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit'....IF you 'turn from your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.'  See Acts 2:38-39  

It is the message John the Baptist proclaimed, the one Jesus preached, the one we are all to share....teach to everyone.  And with the authority of God and Jesus' we must....MUST....obey and go forth.  By whose authority?  God, Jesus.  Who will help us?  Holy Spirit. 

When Jesus didn't answer the question put to him, I don't believe it was for fear he would 'get caught' or entrapped, as some have indicated.  I believe it was because he knew it wouldn't matter what he said, they wouldn't listen, wouldn't respect what he had to say, wouldn't believe him or believe IN him.  It would have been a waste of energy, and, it would have started yet another argument based in lack of trust in him.  The proverbial, 'Why bother?' or 'What's the use?'

That brings me to another thought.  Are you saying the proverbial 'Why bother?' or 'What's the use?' to God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit?  Have you given up on them and yourself?  Have you heard the Word of God and put it on the back burner with the flame OFF?  Do you wake up daily to the same crisis?  The same dullness in your life?  The same negative things happening around you?  SHAME ON YOU for not accepting the authority given you by God!  SHAME ON YOU for not walking with the Holy Spirit to enact a change!  Wait before you start yelling at me that I do not know what you are going through.  I most certainly DO understand the workings of Satan in MY life, I can only imagine what is going on in yours.  Satan is having a whale of a time trying to kill, steal and destroy all God wants me to do for him and have.  He's doing the same thing to you, if I've just described your life!!!!!!!!   Don't let him have his way!  TAKE the AUTHORITY given you by God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit and blast Satan and his little buddies out of your life.  NOW!  You have work to do for God.  You MUST obey GOD, if you are going to have eternal life.  To give into Satan is to deny God in your life!  Is that what you really want to happen?  Cuz it's happening, if you are not empowered by the HOLY Spirit of GOD and going forth in God's and Jesus' name!

You need to decide who is going to win.  You need to decide what you want for your life.  You need to decide who is going to take you to eternity and what that looks like....where it will be.  I know it's not easy.  I'm living it!  But God never said life with him would be easy, neither did Jesus.  There's lots of talk of suffering.  But most of it is due to us not shaking off that old devil, Satan and his buddies, and not obeying God and doing what he tells us to do to live an ABUNDANT life with him and Jesus and Holy Spirit.  Choose this day whom you will serve.  By whose authority you will live your life.  By whose authority you will preach and teach.  And don't tell me you weren't called to preach or teach.  Your LIFE is your testimony to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  If you are not going forth with them, the message you are preaching and teaching is one of a sorrowful mess and THAT belongs to Satan. 

I'll stand with you today.  Right now.  Let's go!  Let's decide together to fight off that old foe, Satan, and take up the cross of Jesus!  Let's stand up right now and proclaim Jesus as our Savior and make him LORD of our life!  With God, Jesus, Holy Spirit you are never alone, but now I am with you, too.  Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

The prophet Joel said, 'anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'.  Acts 2:21

And just like King David said about Jesus, we will be able to say: 

'I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.  No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises!  My body rests in hope.  For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your Holy One [or holy one....that's us, too, (when not capitalized)] to rot in the grave.  You have shown me the way of life, and you will give me wonderful joy in your presence.'  

Cling to this!  God loves you.  Jesus loves you.  Holy Spirit loves you.  Stand up and be counted!





Let Us Pray   


God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, please forgive me of my sins.  Thank you!  Please come into my life and make me whole.  Thank you!  Enrapture me with the fullness of your love.  Give me everything I need to be able to go forth in your name and WITH you.  I am tired of that old Satan huffing and puffing, and, at times, knocking my door down.  I do not want to suffer for want, or suffer for him.  I want to live for you God, Jesus, Holy Spirit!  No longer will I put up with Satan's shenanigans, his negativity, his attacks or his buddies trying to do the same.  I will not fear moving on in life for you have something better for me.  It may be right around the corner....or not far from my door....or it may be in another state, city, town or country.  No matter what, I am going to be open to YOUR leading, not Satan's oppression, repression, suppression, or depression.  I am not going to accept his downtrodden ways, nor his falsehoods about myself that he has tried to make me believe in.  I am YOUR child, the King's kid.  I am precious in your site.  I am saved by the shed blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.  I am fully filled and inspired by the Holy Spirit who lives within me with you, God, and Jesus.  You so fill me that my heart overflows with love for you and others in your name.  I will not take any more garbage from others.  I WILL obey YOU.  I will only walk through doors that you open.  I will trust you fully that you will make everything....all things....right in my life and protect me and my family all of our days.  For you are my God, my rod, my staff.  You comfort me.  Surely goodness and mercy WILL follow me all the days of my life and I WILL dwell in the house of the LORD's forever!  This life starts NOW.  Help me, carry me, nudge me, speak loudly to me that I might hear you better.  Send other Christians to me to be prayer partners, supporting strongholds.  I don't want to fail, to fall, to buckle under the weight of the world.  But I know with you in my life, I will not only survive, but be victorious in my new walk with you!  I know it won't be easy, but it will be worth it!  I lift high my cross of burdens to you, Jesus.  Remove them, please.  I, too, have been disfigured by the trials of hell Satan has placed upon me.  Erase the disfigurement, remove the curses.  Emblazon upon me your perfection....heal me in all ways.  Holy Spirit be in me, surround me, please.  Embolden me in a way that I may overcome the world.  And on my last day on earth, help me arise to meet my Lord.  'I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God.'  The song 'Onward Christian Soldier' has new meaning to me now, Lord, for I have been in battle.  I will continue to do battle, which is different than being IN battle....the real battle is yours.  No longer do I need to be IN the battle, but now I am strengthened with understanding that I will be at the forefront leading the fray to victory!  Praise the Lord!  Alleluia!  I thank you!  I love you!  Amen!              





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Lord,LordJesJeJeJJjEJJJ     JJThe LORD is king!  Let the nations tremble!  T***


More love.... 



Let us hear from Paul as he prays:  

When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.  I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.  And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.  May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen.  Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT         




Scroll down to read Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving...'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'.




Definition of a Christian:  Anyone who believes in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Regardless of church name or religious affiliation. 

'All who have been united with Christ in baptism have been made like him.  There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female.  For you are all Christians - you are ONE in Christ Jesus.'  Galatians 3: 27


  It is not how we worship, but that we worship....the Trinity!


Teach tolerance....reach in acceptance....worship as one!










If you feel that the Church of the Holy Spirit has inspired or helped you, we'd like you to prayerfully consider tithing regularly to us, or gifting us, so that we can further the work and carry out the will of the Father as proclaimed in Matthew 28:19-20 NLT



 "Go and make disciples out of all the nations

baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this:

I am with you always, even to the end of the age."




There is no better time than now to let God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit know how grateful you are for them being there for you, all they have done for you and will do, and, show thankfulness for being fed the Word of God, so you can know and obey him.   


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Thank you and may God richly bless you!   




  Our Continual Cause


It is time to reach into the community and the world around you to see wherein lies the greatest need.  As you choose to focus on these areas, do so with a servant's heart.  Whether the need is for children, adults, or animals, or any cause in between that will help those in need, ask God how you can best serve his needs, what path you must take, and how long you should persevere.  Sometimes we are to be in the lives of others merely as stepping stones.  Sometimes we are to touch those lives forever.  Whatever journey you are called to take, whatever team you will be a member, know this:  God is with you always...even til the end of time.  He loves you, is grateful for you, and will help you along life's way, especially if you are helping others along theirs, persevering with a servant's heart.  


Please accept my sincerest thanks....and God's....and may God richly bless you ! 


BesidesBesid   ***


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Church of the Holy Spirit

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In the meantime, we hope you will trust us to direct them to where the need is the greatest.




    One last thing....


 Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving

'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'


"Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer:  "Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.  You've concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people.  Yes, Father, that's the way you like to work."

Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly.  "The Father has given me all these things to do and say.  This is a unique Father - Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge.  No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does.  But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen."

"Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn how to live freely and lightly.


   Matthew 11:  25-30

  The Message


And the people said,









I now write most prayers in the position of ' I ' (first person) because most people are sitting at their computer alone, not in groups, and it allows those reading and praying to personalize the prayer as coming from them going to God.  Variations may appear on holidays when families may wish to use the prayer provided.  I encourage you to pray your own prayers as well.


  Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996.  Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.  All rights reserved.


NOTE:  I said it long ago, but let me say it again.  If you are wanting to lead a group, start a church, or are confined in an institution, or live in a country where the Gospel is not preached, and you don't know what to say or how to say it, and yet feel led to share, teach, or preach, besides just reading straight out of the Bible and sharing what God puts on your heart, please feel free to share any or all of what I've written, if it will help you, as long as you include where it comes from, due to copyright laws.  Jesus gave God's love and healing freely, as well as his message.  Our responsibility is to get the Word out to those who need to hear it.  If what I've written....by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit....or what he has said through me....has helped you, it may help others that you know.  You are welcome to share it.  God calls all of us to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.  Please share it with the fullness of love that God, Jesus, Holy Spirit....and I....have given it.  Amen!   


Bible Authors and Minister