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Thoughts Archived > Religious Intolerance & Apostolic Succession

21 Oct 2012

He is not here.  He is risen!

 Luke 24:6


to the

Church of the Holy Spirit


Current Sunday Scriptures below!

 Archived Scriptures in The Family Room!


Embracing understanding with open arms...so all may become one.


We welcome and embrace you, loved ones,

throughout the world!

Hello and Welcome....

to our Brother(s) & Sister(s) in the areas of

Mexico, Cuba, St. Croix, France and Borneo! 

Hey, USA, hi! 

We miss all others not with us today and look forward to meeting more!

My site map is not detailed, so, if I've missed someone, or misplaced someone,

let us hear from you via email!   


PRAY...for all in the world!

'You care for people and animals alike O LORD.' 

Psalm 36: 6b


   Who We Are 

The Church of the Holy Spirit is a Christian church.

We believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son
Holy Spirit of truth, the Comforter and Teacher.

We believe that God made the heavens and the earth,
 and gave all creatures His son, Jesus,
who died on the cross to forgive our sins
to give us eternal life

We believe Jesus went to heaven, he is now seated at God’s right hand,
that God gave us Holy Spirit to teach, comfort, and guide us.
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.




Who are God, Jesus and Holy Spirit?

God is our heavenly Father who created heaven and earth.  He gave us His Son, who died on a cross to allow our sins to be forgiven and give us eternal life becoming our Lord and Savior.  When Jesus died, Holy Spirit was made available to us to comfort, teach and guide us.

God in the beginning:  Genesis 1 & 2
Jesus:  Matthew 1, 2 & 3
Holy Spirit:  John 15:26, 16:5-15


Are you one with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit?

If you have not accepted the Trinity into your life and you would like to, pray this prayer or use your own words from your heart:

“Dear Heavenly Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, please forgive me of my sins known and unknown.  Please come into my life, heal me and make me whole.  Give me a new life in and with you.  I wish to receive all that you have to give.  Baptize me in the fullness of your Holy Spirit, so that I can learn all I can about you to love you, and others, as you love me.  So I can love myself.  Thank you for giving me this new life.  Please send other Christians to surround me to help me grow and be strong to defeat Satan and the things of the world.  Help me to be worthy of your love.  Thank you God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.  In Jesus name I pray by and with the power of the Holy Spirit, dear Heavenly Father God.  Amen.” 


If you have prayed this prayer, please email us at TrinityMissions@msn.com, so we can agree with you in prayer, praise God, and uplift you with prayer support.  We are thrilled to welcome you into the family of believers and encourage you to find a church home nearby where you can study, grow and fellowship with others.  Someone may need your support as much as you need them.  We are commanded to come together in fellowship to worship His majesty.

If you choose to fellowship with us via the web, we are honored to welcome you to the Church of the Holy Spirit.  We pray you will be enriched and uplifted in the fullness of the Trinity to their glory.  Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing from time to time.  As the website grows, we will have a special page for this purpose, and, you will be able to list prayers for all to see, so that we may come together as a body of believers, for ‘wherever two or more shall gather, there will I be.’   Don’t forget to send prayers of thanksgiving, as well as petitions of tears.  


You are who I call ‘The Promise Children’, as in Romans 9:25-26 NLT:

“Those who were not my people, I will now call my people.  And I will love those whom I did not love before.  And, once they were told, ‘You are not my people.’  But now he will say, ‘You are children of the living God.”


“The Kingdom of God is near you now.”


The Apostle Paul gave us a “Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment” in Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT.  It reads

“When I think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.  I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.  And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.  May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen.”  

Jesus told us to remain in his love in John 15:9-13 NLT:

“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.  Remain in my love.  When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy.  Yes, your joy will overflow!  I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you.  And here is how to measure it - the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends." 






October 21, 2012

Religious Intolerance & Apostolic Succession 

Luke 9: 49 - 30



John said to Jesus, "Master, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons.  We tried to stop him because he isn't in our group." 

But Jesus said, "Don't stop him!  Anyone who is not against you is for you."






This is an interesting couple of paragraphs.  Innocuous at best....you would think.  But within the confines of these few words are volumes of context.  Knowing that I am rarely brief.....hang on. 

First I am going to give you a copy of some paragraphs I wrote to someone previously that I have included in 'Thoughts' before.  I will be modifying it somewhat today.  Here it is:

Religious intolerance

I don’t believe for one minute that God is on his throne judging with anger and resentment how people worship him and his son. I believe he is honored, and rejoicing that they do. If we are to emulate God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, then we must be religiously tolerant. It is not how we worship, but that we worship. Others may not worship or believe exactly as I do or you do. Others may be on different levels of understanding than you or I. But they have every right and responsibility to worship, believe, and seek understanding about God....as they seek God....as God leads them.

I am not perfect. I do not know everything. Others may not either. For me to lord over someone else places mandates, which are wrong.  Accusations, attacks, and ridicule will only show others a god, rather than THE God who loves, accepts, forgives, teaches, embraces, etc.  It is not right to lord over others.  Imagine what doing so would do to a new Christian.  Or a devout Christian loving the Lord with hands raised rather than kneeling.  Or visa versa.  Someone meek might turn away from God all together, and/or fear the church who may have brought them to him in the first place.  God says 'come'.  You should not say 'go' in any form.  God says 'Go forth'.  You should not say 'stop' in any form.

I believe we must temper what we believe with our presentation. Our knowing must not exceed our wisdom. Our goal as Christians is not to push what we know and our ways onto others with vehemence, vengeance, and demands. It is to take others by the hand, and with love, lead them to God....not to our ways, but his. He is not a man who would say, ‘I’ll let you into heaven if you are a Fundamentalist, or a Presbyterian, but not if you are a Catholic, or a Pentecostal, no matter how much you say you love and adore me, and spend your time praying to me with all your heart and mind, showing me in all ways that you honor me.’ Or, ‘I’ll let you into heaven, if you are a Republican, but not a Democrat.’ [This is NOT an attempt to politicize todays 'Thoughts'.]  Some drink milk, some eat meat, some eat things in between, some dessert.  Love, peace, tolerance, acceptance, truth with temperance....all the fruits and gifts of the Spirit with discernment and wisdom thrown in will speak volumes to others about God, and about you and I. 

Jesus had 12 apostles for the 12 tribes of Israel who each had different leaders who had their own ideas. Those 12 apostles, and many disciples, were sent out to preach to the world. Firmly, I believe he knew that there were many MANY people who would believe, accept, come to understand things differently from each other, so he compensated by sending many to speak to many, pairing them up so to speak, so the harvest would be plentiful. Pairing the plumber with the electrician maybe, rather than with the tax collector.  So, if you or I don’t believe as someone else, or worship in a specific way, just means that although we may plant a seed, we may not be the harvester, but someone is coming who is far greater who will harvest.  Like the Presbyterian, Catholic, Pentecostal, or Fundamentalist, Non-denominationalist, etc., etc., etc.       ;  )

Read 1 Corinthians 12 about the gifts of Holy Spirit and being a part in the body of Christ.  Especially note the word 'harmony' in verse 25. 

Read 1 Cor 13 about love....Galatians 5:16-26 about the fruits of the Spirit.  And Ephesians 6: 10-18 about putting on the armor of God to battle the devil within and out.   

Here’s a thought: When it says ‘be fruitful and multiply’ did that refer to babies, those who come to the Lord, the workers for the harvest, or those who will enter heaven?  Hmmmmmm.  Hint:  the sky is the limit. 

Okay.  Back to more of todays 'Thoughts'.  In the context of what Jesus said above, he also said, "If I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you."  Knowing this, we have a responsibility, once answering His call, to act as Christians should, because we now live in the Kingdom of God.  How we show God that we have answered his call, and call Jesus Lord, is to lead others to him, love all, teach others, embrace others in his name, cast out demons and heal the sick, etc., doing greater things than Jesus.  It does not matter how we do that, as long as we do it as shown how Jesus did it.  We can stand, raise our hands, kneel, bow down, close our eyes.....none of those makes us a non-Christian or a wrong-Christian, as long as we are doing it for the Lord and WITH the Lord as he taught us. 

The other thing I want to point out is that Jesus clearly was trying to tell the Apostles that they were not the be all and the end all.  They were 'merely' his apostles.  Everyone else having answered his call was EQUAL to them in the body of Christ....because they heard the Word and accepted him.  The offer to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior was for everyone, not just the 12.  Even though eveyone goes to Matthew to see the reference to the 'great commission', this commissison bears out in Luke (see the last chapters) that it IS for ALL.  Mark's ending is questioned by scholars, but it is certainly worthy of reading and accepting.  It's content is also scattered throughout Scripture, so it is valid information from God. 

Certainly Acts bears out this out, when not just the Apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit.  In the reference above, the Apostles were complaining that others were doing as Jesus taught:  casting out spirits in his name.  The Apostles thought they were THE only ones who could do this....the be all and the end all.  Not true.  Obviously, based on what they stated above.  See Acts 1-2 to reference how many received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how many were added to the church as a result.  Not to mention the thousands that came before.....who were all able to do as Jesus did, and as he directed...preach, baptize, cast out demons, speak new languages, heal the sick, etc.

Apostolic succession is something instituted by a church...the Roman church to be exact.  And they tried to teach the world that they had the market on who could share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who could preach, teach, baptize with water, in the Lord's name, heal the sick, baptize with the Holy Spirit, etc.  It's just not so.  In the olden days....way olden....folks couldn't read and had to be taught what was in the Scriptures.  So the Roman Catholic Church taught what they chose, not necessarily what was for everyone or scriptural.  They wanted the market on the people.  Did you know that after they decided what would be in the Bible as we know it, that they tried to kill underlings, monks, etc. to insure that they not read the actual documents written about Jesus*, because they had been revised into what we now know as 'our Bible'?  Did you know that they burned down their own monasteries to burn hidden documents that would refute what was now written?  I'm sure I'll be labeled many names for what I am saying, but I've said it before because it is historical documented truth.  Jesus TOLD them.  Jesus SAID.  Jesus did not lay hands on any ONE or 12 and tell them that only THEY could lay hands on others to preach, teach and heal, ETC.  EVERYONE having received him were/ARE to go and do as he did. 

In current news, there is a group of Catholic nuns who are becoming Priests as a result of a Priest having conferred such on one of them to become a Bishop, and they are now in 'apostolic succession', believing that is the only way they can be ordained and preach.  The Mormon Church calls themselves a restoration church, believing that apostolic succession died when Jesus did, and Joseph Smith was conferred this rite by Old Testament prophets that appeared to him. The existance of that church rests on this.  A large portion of 'originally organized' Protestant Christianity like the Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbtyterians, etc. utilizes apostolic succession having been conferred the rite of passage through Martin Luther.  The rest of Protestantism predominately knows it is not necessary, or believes it does not even exist.  But there are some who have accepted it as a bill of goods....sadly.

Let me refer you to what Paul says.....Paul who did not have hands laid upon him.  Paul who was not an original Apostle.  Paul who preached to the Gentiles, and the Jews, because he believed in Jesus Christ, that he saves, and in his healing power, as well as in his Father who was God, and Holy Spirit.  Paul who caused MANY to believe and caused MANY Christian churches to form....the majority of the Christian world that is not Catholic actually.  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, "It is God who gives us, along with you, the ability to stand firm for Christ.  HE has commissioned US, and HE has IDENTIFIED US as HIS OWN by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything he will give us."  THIS is the 'ordination' we receive....every single one of us who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and Holy Spirit as Comforter, Teacher.  And every single one of us is called to preach, and teach, and heal, baptize, speak new languages [from Holy Spirit], etc.  And be lovingly tolerant of all Christian religions, how they choose to form their churches, and how they choose to worship and preach....as long as it is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I might add that apostolic succession invalidates Paul's ministry and that of others in the New Testament.  Where would we all be, without him having stepped up?  Hmmmmm.  Hint:  ah.....not here.      

I KNOW there are those who believe that having and believing erred precepts, concepts, questions the validity of such churches as being Christian.  Most organized Christian religions also have doctrines and dogmas that can be questioned as being correct based on Holy Scripture.  From my perspective, anyone who brings someone to the feet of Jesus to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord can't be all bad, unless they teach completely outside the realm of what Scripture and other historical documents teach us about him, God and Holy Spirit. 

By what we've read in todays scripture (yes, I'm almost done), it is clear that Jesus is teaching us, as he said, 'Anyone who is not against you is for you.', which means in this context that anyone doing for him is a good thing, and, we should not only not stop those who act in his name, but support their right to do so.  And clearly, ALL are called to receive him and do for him.  In Matthew 12: 30, Jesus said, "Anyone who isn't helping me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me."  Which side will you be on?  Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  Ask him into your heart and life today.  Now is the time.  The hour is here.  Your end times may come before THE end times.  I advise you to be ready for the final harvest.  Be blessed!    

*  Those killed were those who HAD read original documents, that they not share the truths, because of the text now designed as the Bible.

P.S.  All the churches I mentioned who utilize apostolic succession hinge on that to give validity to their church, their mission, that God has said 'you are okay - go forth'.  None of the churches are invalid, if they preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with God and Holy Spirit.   My point was that having a human being invoke authority by laying on of hands onto another is not necessary based on New Testament scripture.  In fact it is not in scripture.  It is God who ordains by giving you Holy Spirit as the first installment of all he will give you per Paul, per Holy Spirit speaking through him, in 2 Corinthians as I indicated above.

So, if God is calling you to believe in him [He IS], and you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior [you should], and you've asked for and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit [you must], AND you are proving to THEM you are an abiding Christian by how you live for them and with them....GO.....GO FORTH....share the Gospel, teach the Gospel, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Trust that Holy Spirit WILL give you what you need to grow, go forth and multiply. 

There will always be those who choose to follow the path of man....receiving ordination through laying on of hands and/or their invocation confirmed with an ordination certificate.  It may feel necessary to you or others, but it's just not necessary to the ones who really matter.....God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  It doesn't change their glory.....it shouldn't change yours either.  I don't refuse to provide ordination certification, but it is not necessary.//        




Let Us Pray


O Lord.  What a day this has been battling Satan, keeping focused, dealing with technology and the quirks that go along with it.  Thank you that the day is getting closer to night, that peace will come as the sun goes down and THE Son reigns supreme!  Please forgive me of my sins.  And forgive the world of their sins today.  Thank you.  Lord, thank you for helping me understand better about being tolerant, of those who say they are yours, and the 'goings on' in the hours in this day.  And thanks for teaching that all are yours and all are called to act in your name.  May this open up many doors for you.  The harvest is plenty and the workers are few.  May everyone listening understand that you are calling all of us who believe in you to 'go forth'.  May I continue to go forth proclaiming who you are, that you are and how wonderful you are.  I know, Lord, that not everyone is to have a church and oversee others, or stand on a street corner with a soap box to preach your Gospel, if they are frail or vulnerable.  But all others must find a way to share who you are, that you are, and how wonderful you are, and what you have to offer....forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  Healing wasn't first done to those IN the church, it was done to those NOT belonging to the church, so they would have the most important problems and excuses out of the way to be able to see you for who you are, and how wonderful you are, and, having received you.....that you are....the Savior of the world and....big AND....be able to go forth for you.  May all those having been called to accept you as Messiah make you Lord over their lives.  May they all ask you to baptize them with Holy Spirit, so they have utterance and ordination to do so....as the first installment of everything God will give them.  Thank you, God, for creating me, loving me.  Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me, forgiving me of my sins, counting me as yours.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving to me, and trusting me with, the truths and responsibilities that go along with that.  Thank you all for being willing to consider raising me up on the last day.  May I prove worthy of your love.  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God. Phil 3:14.  I love you.  Amen.                  


Lord,LordJesJeJeJJjEJJJ     JJThe LORD is king!  Let the nations tremble!  T***


More love.... 



Let us hear from Paul as he prays:  

When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.  I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.  And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.  May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen.  Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT         




Scroll down to read Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving...'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'.




Definition of a Christian:  Anyone who believes in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Regardless of church name or religious affiliation. 

It is not how we worship, but that we worship....the Trinity!   








If you feel that the Church of the Holy Spirit has inspired or helped you, we'd like you to prayerfully consider tithing regularly to us, or gifting us, so that we can further the work and carry out the will of the Father as proclaimed in Matthew 28:19-20 NLT


 "Go and make disciples out of all the nations

baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this:

I am with you always, even to the end of the age."




  Our Current Cause


It is time to reach into the community and the world around you to see wherein lies the greatest need.  As you choose to focus on these areas, do so with a servant's heart.  Whether the need is for children, adults, or animals, or any cause in between that will help those in need, ask God how you can best serve his needs, what path you must take, and how long you should persevere.  Sometimes we are to be in the lives of others merely as stepping stones.  Sometimes we are to touch those lives forever.  Whatever journey you are called to take, whatever team you will be a member, know this:  God is with you always...even til the end of time.  He loves you, is grateful for you, and will help you along life's way, especially if you are helping others along theirs, persevering with a servant's heart.  


Please accept my sincerest thanks....and God's....and may God richly bless you! 




  Checks or money orders can be made out to

Trinity Missions

or the

Church of the Holy Spirit

and sent to

Trinity Missions

2321 S. Lazy A Place

Tucson, AZ



If you have any questions, we can be reached at:


10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Mountain Time



Please note Trinity Missions or CoHS in your subject line.


As we grow, you will have options for allocating your gifts.

In the meantime, we hope you will trust us to direct them to where the need is the greatest.




    One last thing....


 Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving

'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'


"Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer:  "Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.  You've concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people.  Yes, Father, that's the way you like to work."

Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly.  "The Father has given me all these things to do and say.  This is a unique Father - Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge.  No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does.  But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen."

"Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn how to live freely and lightly.


   Matthew 11:  25-30

  The Message


And the people said,








I now write most prayers in the position of ' I ' (first person) because most people are sitting at their computer alone, not in groups, and it allows those reading and praying to personalize the prayer as coming from them going to God.  Variations may appear on holidays when families may wish to use the prayer provided. 


  Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996.  Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.  All rights reserved.


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