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Thoughts Archived > Patience....Hope....Promise

25 Sep 2011

 He is not here.  He is risen!

 Luke 24:6


to the

Church of the Holy Spirit


 Current Sunday Scriptures below!

 Archived Scriptures in The Family Room!

Embracing understanding with open arms...so all may become one.


We welcome and embrace you, loved ones,

throughout the world!

Hello and welcome....

to our Brother(s) & Sister(s) in the area of Taiwan,

Russia, the United Kingdom, and Canada!   

Hey, USA, hi! 

We miss all others not with us today and look forward to meeting more!

My site map is not detailed, so, if I've missed someone, or misplaced someone,

let us hear from you via email!   


PRAY...for all in the world!

'You care for people and animals alike O LORD.' 

Psalm 36: 6b


   Who We Are 

The Church of the Holy Spirit is a Christian church.

We believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son
Holy Spirit the Comforter and Teacher.

We believe that God made the heavens and the earth,
 and gave all creatures His son, Jesus,
who died on the cross to forgive our sins
to give us eternal life.

We believe Jesus went to heaven, he is now seated at God’s right hand,
that God gave us Holy Spirit to teach, comfort, and guide us.
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.




Who are God, Jesus and Holy Spirit?

God is our heavenly Father who created heaven and earth.  He gave us His Son, who died on a cross to allow our sins to be forgiven and give us eternal life becoming our Lord and Savior.  When Jesus died, Holy Spirit was made available to us to comfort, teach and guide us.

God in the beginning:  Genesis 1:1
Jesus:  Matthew 1, 2 & 3
Holy Spirit:  John 15:26


Are you one with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit?

If you have not accepted the Trinity into your life and you would like to, pray this prayer or use your own words from your heart:

“Dear Heavenly Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, please forgive me of my sins known and unknown.  Please come into my life, heal me and make me whole.  Give me a new life in and with you.  I wish to receive all that you have to give.  Baptize me in the fullness of your Holy Spirit, so that I can learn all I can about you to love you, and others, as you love me.  So I can love myself.  Thank you for giving me this new life.  Please send other Christians to surround me to help me grow and be strong to defeat Satan and the things of the world.  Help me to be worthy of your love.  Thank you God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.  In Jesus name I pray by and with the power of the Holy Spirit, dear Heavenly Father God.  Amen.” 


If you have prayed this prayer, please email us at TrinityMissions@msn.com, so we can agree with you in prayer, praise God, and uplift you with prayer support.  We are thrilled to welcome you into the family of believers and encourage you to find a church home nearby where you can study, grow and fellowship with others.  Someone may need your support as much as you need them.  We are commanded to come together in fellowship to worship His majesty.

If you choose to fellowship with us via the web, we are honored to welcome you to the Church of the Holy Spirit.  We pray you will be enriched and uplifted in the fullness of the Trinity to their glory.  Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing from time to time.  As the website grows, we will have a special page for this purpose, and, you will be able to list prayers for all to see, so that we may come together as a body of believers, for ‘wherever two or more shall gather, there will I be.’   Don’t forget to send prayers of thanksgiving, as well as petitions of tears.  


You are who I call ‘The Promise Children’, as in Romans 9:25-26 NLT:

“Those who were not my people, I will now call my people.  And I will love those whom I did not love before.  And, once they were told, ‘You are not my people.’  But now he will say, ‘You are children of the living God.”


“The Kingdom of God is near you now.”


The Apostle Paul gave us a “Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment” in Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT.  It reads

“When I think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.  I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.  And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.  May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen.”  

Jesus told us to remain in his love in John 15:9-13 NLT:

“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.  Remain in my love.  When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy.  Yes, your joy will overflow!  I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you.  And here is how to measure it - the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends." 






September 25, 2011


2 Peter 3



2 Peter 

This is my second letter to you, dear friends, and in both of them I have tried to stimulate your wholesome thinking and refresh your memory.  I want you to remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles.

First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire.  This will be their argument:  "Jesus promised to come back, did he?  Then where is he?  Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." 

They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth up from the water and surrounded it with water.  Then he used the water to destroy the world with a mighty flood.  And God has also commanded that the heavens and the earth will be consumed by fire on the day of judgment, when ungodly people will perish.

But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.  The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think.  No, he is being patient for your sake.  He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.  But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief.   Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment.

Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living!  You should look forward to that day and hurry it along - the day when God will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames.  But we are looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God. 

And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to live a pure and blameless life.  And be at peace with God.

And remember, the Lord is waiting so that people have time to be saved.  This is just as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him - speaking of these things in all of his letters.  Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letter around to mean something quite different from what he meant, just as they do the other parts of Scripture - and the result is disaster for them.

I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends, so that you can watch out and not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people.  I don't want you to lose your own secure footing.  But grow in the special favor and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To him be all glory and honor, both now and forevermore.  Amen.    


JesJeJeJJjEJJJ     JJThe LORD is king!  Let the nations tremble!  T*** 




I am so honored and humbled to have people from all over the world reaching out for the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this site.  I pray you will open your souls to him and you will choose, if you have not already, the path that leads to eternal life.  May all of you be blessed beyond measure. 

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Come on you guys, shape up!"?  This is my first thought about what this message from Peter is telling us today. 

Stimulate your wholesome thinking

Refresh your memory

Remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago

Receive from our Lord and Savior the commands given through your apostles

'Stimulate wholesome thinking' brings to mind the innocence of childhood and how, as a youth, one felt safe, secure, naive.  A time when everything was new and exciting and all thoughts were pure.  Today's youth don't have that gift like we had.  Television, music, the internet, the friends, it seems all have been corrupted.

Children don't eat freshly grown fruit and vegetables, but hormone injected, pesticide laced, chemically ravaged fruit, vegetables, and animals.  It's a wonder how we can have wholesome thinking, or have any memory at all.

Do you remember when you first accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  You were probably excited, honored, tearful, joyous, energetic, ready to go out and tell the world that he lives and that he loves.  It was then that you listened to the prophets through scripture.  Now it seems he and those prophets have gone by the wayside, put on the back shelf of your life.  Everything you read was easily understood, and now, well, do you even pick up the Bible to learn more?  Or are you still on fire for him who saved you?

Perhaps you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Perhaps you need to read what the New Testament prophets had to say, to understand the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophets.  You haven't read the Old Testament?  Well, you better start at the beginning then.  You will reach a crescendo as you journey.  And it will be marvelous to learn who he is, that he is, and how wonderful he is and all he can mean to your life.  You will be thrilled to share him with the world.  There is a lot to understand, but take it all in and you will do fine.  The prophets have lots to say.  And then ask Jesus to come into your life and honor his commands.  They are not difficult, if you have truly given him your heart and soul.  Your thinking will become wholesome, your memory will even improve.  Trust, believe, accept, and obey.  Those are the keys to unlock a new life with Jesus Christ.

There will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire

They will argue

Those arguments will be false.  Peter says, "This will be their argument:  "Jesus promised to come back, did he?  Then where is he?"  ONE, he did come back.  TWO, he is in heaven.

The scoffers will go on to say, "Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created."  NOT AT ALL!   Huh, where would they be living?  Not on this planet!

Peter says then, "They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth up from the water and surrounded it with water.  Then he used the water to destroy the world with a mighty flood.  And God also commanded that the heavens and the earth will be consumed by fire on the day of judgment, where ungodly people will perish."  Has anyone been watching the news lately of terror, violence, hatred, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes.  In Matthew 24 it says, "For that will be a time of greater horror than anything the world has ever seen or will ever see again."  In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, the entire human race will  be destroyed."  Is God causing all these things we have seen.......or is Satan?  Hmmmmmm.......   

Will you deliberately forget?  Peter tells us, "But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.  The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think.  No, he is being patient for your sake.  He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent."  So....perhaps....today is the day you will hear his voice and respond with love and acceptance and obey him.

But just in case you do choose to deliberately not act on the gift he is offering you, Peter tells us what will happen, "But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief.  Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment."  Read all of Matthew 24 just to get an idea of what is to come.

We are further told by Peter, an apostle to whom we should listen,

"Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly live you should be living!

"You should look forward to that day and hurry it along - the day when God will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames." 

"But we are (are you?!?) looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God!  Are you right with God yet?  Have you even spoken to him lately or read his Word?  Have you obeyed him?  How have you honored him?  How have you thanked him for what he has to offer you....should you choose to take advantage of the gift.....forgiveness of sins.  And what about eternal life.....how will YOUR life end?

"And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to live a pure and blameless life.

And be at peace with God", Peter, an Apostle, directs us.  Figure it out.

"And remember, the Lord is waiting so that people have time to be saved."  Will you be one?  I hope so for your sake.  How sad his life of suffering and death may be in vain....for you.

Peter goes on to say that "This is just as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him - speaking of these things in all of his letters.  Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters around to mean something quite different from what he meant, just as they do other parts of Scripture - and the result is disaster for them.

[Please note that this did not stop then, it still goes on today....even by pastors in churches.  So be sure, very sure, to align what I and other pastors say with what scripture says and Holy Spirit tells you.  Remember, 'text out of context is pretext'.  In other words, it doesn't exist...it has no meaning.  And if you believe I have made an error, please tell me.  I may have, and I should correct any errors lest I lead anyone astray.  1 John 2:27 reads "But you have received the Holy Spirit (have you asked him into your life?), and he lives with you, so you don't need anyone to teach you what is true.  For the Spirit teaches you all things, and what he teaches is true - it is not a lie."  But align what you hear, folks, because Satan is a great deceiver and can jump in at anytime to make us believe something that is not true.  Align, align, align.]   

In Peter's final words he says, "I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends, so that you can watch out and not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people.  I don't want you to lose your own secure footing."  He has written this letter, it seems, in advance of future concerns, which will occur, as if to head them off at the pass, so to speak.  Warning the family of God against dangers that will present themselves on their journey with Christ.  Forewarned is forearmed.  Someone told me once, "prepare for the worst and expect the best."  Be diligent in your efforts to 'love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind'  and 'love your neighbor as you love yourself'.  And, as Peter said, I also say to you now, "grow in the special favor and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be all glory and honor, both now and forevermore.  Amen."         




Let Us Pray


Dear Lord, I have so much to learn.  So many ways in which to grow.  Such a journey to travel.  But I know that you will be with me every step of the way, if I but open my heart and soul to you....and I do.  Please come into my life in all areas, and please, Holy Spirit come into my life as well.  Please give to me all that I need, to have knowledge and be wise in the ways I need, to be a true child of the ever living ever loving one true God.  Help me be patient.  Help me hope.  Help me believe.  And in moments where I may not be able to, do it for me.  Don't ever leave me or forsake me, please.  And in case you haven't heard me say it before, please forgive me of my sins.  Let today be yet another new day for us to venture together.  Remove my rebellion as far away as the east is from the west......no......farther.  Heal me in all the ways I need to be healed, please.  Give me strength and desire of heart to do as you call me.  And carry me or forgive me otherwise, please.  Thank you for loving me and dying for me, Jesus.  Thank you, God, for sacrificing your beloved son for me believing me worthy.  Please don't let me fail you, don't let it have been in vain.  May I not be yet another one to leave scars, from the thrashings, for my sins.  Help me to bow down begging forgiveness, if I do.  Help me to remain humble, God.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, for being by my side, as I go forward in life.  For being there to show me the way, giving me the words to share with others.  Everyone is called to be a minister for Christ.  And how can they go forth, if they do not grow?  And how can they grow if they do not seek you or read your Word?  May we all grow, Lord, and read your Word....the Bible....and all other texts that proclaim you Holy, Counselor, Prince of Peace, God.  Thank you.  I love you.  Amen.                  




More love.... 



Let us hear from Paul as he prays:  

When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.  I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.  And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.  May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen.  Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT         




Scroll down to read Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving...'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'.




Definition of a Christian:  Anyone who believes in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Regardless of church name or religious affiliation. 

It is not how we worship, but that we worship....the Trinity!   








If you feel that the Church of the Holy Spirit has inspired or helped you, we'd like you to prayerfully consider tithing regularly to us or gifting us, so that we can further the work and carry out the will of the Father as proclaimed in Matthew 28:19-20 NLT


 "Go and make disciples out of all the nations

baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this:

I am with you always, even to the end of the age."




  Our Current Cause


It is time to reach into the community and the world around you to see wherein lies the greatest need.  As you choose to focus on these areas, do so with a servant's heart.  Whether the need is for children, adults, or animals, or any cause in between that will help those in need, ask God how you can best serve his needs, what path you must take, and how long you should persevere.  Sometimes we are to be in the lives of others merely as stepping stones.  Sometimes we are to touch those lives forever.  Whatever journey you are called to take, whatever team you will be a member, know this:  God is with you always...even til the end of time.  He loves you, is grateful for you, and will help you along life's way, especially if you are helping others along theirs, persevering with a servant's heart. 

Please accept my sincerest thanks....and God's....and may God richly bless you!   




  Checks or money orders can be made out to

Trinity Missions

or the

Church of the Holy Spirit

and sent to

Note New Address 

Trinity Missions

P.O. Box 85042

Tucson, Arizona



If you have any questions, we can be reached at:


10 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Mountain Time



Please note Trinity Missions or CoHS in your subject line.


As we grow, you will have options for allocating your gifts.

In the meantime, we hope you will trust us to direct them to where the need is the greatest.




    One last thing....


 Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving

'The Unforced Rhythms of Grace'


"Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer:  "Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.  You've concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people.  Yes, Father, that's the way you like to work."

Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly.  "The Father has given me all these things to do and say.  This is a unique Father - Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge.  No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does.  But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen."

"Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn how to live freely and lightly.


  Matthew 11:  25-30

  The Message


And the people said,








I now write most prayers in the position of ' I ' (first person) because most people are sitting at their computer alone, not in groups, and it allows those reading and praying to personalize the prayer as coming from them going to God.  Variations may appear on holidays when families may wish to use the prayer provided. 


  Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996.  Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.  All rights reserved.


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